Curriculum Vitae


Name Kyle Daniel Miller
Label Computational Materials Scientist
Summary Inquisitive PhD candidate & national laboratory intern with 7 publications and 5 years of experience using first-principles calculation, informatics, and machine learning to solve materials science problems. Passionate about sustainability, mentoring, and explainable models. Excels in scientific communication and integrated ML+simulation workflow development


Materials Science
Autonomous discovery and design
Surrogate models for atomic simulation
Structure-property relationships
Metal-insulator transitions
Machine Learning
Active learning
Explainable/transparent models
Physics-informed models
Uncertainty quantification
Data visualization


  • 2018 - 2024

    Tacoma, WA, USA

    Bachelor of Science
    University of Puget Sound
    Physics, Mathematics
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Mathematical Modeling
    • Abstract Algebra
    • Electromagnetic Theory
    • Quantum Mechanics
    • Statistical Mechanics
  • 2018 - 2024

    Evanston, IL, USA

    Doctor of Philosophy
    Northwestern University
    Materials Science and Engineering
    • Computational Materials Science
    • Machine Learning
    • Solid State Physics
    • Inverse Methods
    • Data-Driven Research Methods
    • Phase Transformations in Materials
    • Data Visualization


  • 2022 - Present
    Graduate R&D Intern
    Sandia National Laboratories  |  Computational Materials Division
    • Developed data shuffling method for Materials Learning Algorithms (MALA)
    • Expanded MALA neural network surrogate models from pure elements to binary compounds
    • Designed active learning algorithm to overcome redundancy in massive data sets and improve edge case learning
    • Maintained >95% accuracy on defective semiconductors with a 95% reduction in the training set size
  • 2018 - Present
    Graduate Research Fellow
    Northwestern University  |  Materials Theory and Design Group
    • Leveraged machine learning and first-principles methods to study structure-property relationships in inorganic materials
    • Developed workflow tools to improve group productivity
    • Mentored and developed onboarding/training material for younger graduate students
    • Wrote peer-reviewed publications, grants, and referee feedback on reviewed papers
    • Attended conferences, hackathons, and seminars to absorb and disseminate knowledge of the field



Management for Scientists and Engineers
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University 2023
Science Communication
Northwestern University 2020


  • 2023 - Present
    Screening for Novel Ferroelectric Materials
    Northwestern University
    • Built a high-throughput, closed-loop screening workflow incorporating machine learning and first-principles calculation to identify novel ferroelectric material candidates
    • Characterized strain-dependent ferroelectricity in 7 novel candidates
  • 2023 - Present
    Decoratypes: A New Materials Taxonomy
    Northwestern University
    • Generalized the concept of anti-structures to include \(n\)-ary compounds and arbitrary site-based properties, termed decoratypes
    • Created a high-throughput identification workflow and screened >80,000 structures to identify and classify decoratype families
  • 2023 - 2023
    Generalized Tolerance Factor for Inorganic Crystals
    Solid-State Materials Chemistry and Data Science Hackathon
    • Facilitated rapid project progression from infancy to working prototype in 2 days with a 3-person interdisciplinary team
    • Created a symbolic learning model to produce cheap, transparent stability predictions for inorganic crystals
    • Attended hands-on workshops to hone my skills in design and tuning of machine learning models and curation of data
  • 2022 - 2023
    Testing the Limits of the Global Instability Index (GII)
    Northwestern University
    • Analyzed the effect of various bonding models to construct a more robust GII calculator
    • Quantified the sensitivity of the GII metric to chemistry, structure, and data source in small, clustered data sets and large (>20,000 sample) data sets
    • Overhauled understanding of GII as an absolute metric for structural stability, proposing new guidelines for effective use
  • 2019 - 2021
    Carrier-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Trirutile MgTa\(_2\)O\(_6\)
    Northwestern University
    • Mapped the electronic and magnetic phases across electron doping in MgTa\(_2\)O\(_6\)
    • Investigated coupling between electronic state and established structural indicators
    • Assessed the similarities and differences in the transition-driving forces between the trirutile and rutile structures
  • 2019 - 2020
    Structural Signatures of the Insulator-to-Metal Transition in BaCo\(_{1−x}\)Ni\(_x\)S\(_2\)
    Northwestern University
    • Discovered the origin of structural distortions observed by experimental collaborators using first-principles calculation compatible with anomalous sulfide disorder observed in experiment
    • Transformed our understanding of the insulator-to-metal transition by connecting it to the origin of the distortions
    • Presented the new ground state structure compatible with previously unexplained distortions
  • 2017 - 2017
    High-throughput molecular simulations into the morphology of P3HT:PCBM blends
    Boise State University
    • Developed coarse-grained molecular dynamics model of self-assembly in conducting polymer blends
    • Mapped morphology phase diagram using radial distribution, clustering algorithms, and simulated X-ray scattering


  • 2022 - Present
    • 2022  |  Chemistry of Materials  |  1 article
    • 2023  |  Communications Physics  |  1 article
    • 2024  |  APL Machine Learning  |  1 article
  • 2020 - 2022
    Curriculum Developer, Mentor
    Coding Club  |  Pedersen-McCormick Boys and Girls Club
    • Developed intermediate and advanced Python lessons and projects for high school-age students
    • Tutored/mentored local high school students at weekly code literacy lessons
  • 2019 - 2020
    Junior Science Club  |  Pedersen-McCormick Boys and Girls Club
    • Engaged young students with weekly educational science sessions
    • Developed exciting, hands-on, and informative curricula for weekly science sessions
  • 2017 - 2018
    Student Representative
    Strategic Planning Steering Committee  |  University of Puget Sound
    • Drafted the university’s 10-year vision, goals, and evaluative metrics with a team of 20 faculty, administrators, trustees, and students meeting every 3-4 weeks for a year
    • Gathered, condensed, and presented student feedback to the steering committee to advocate for student needs
  • 2015 - 2018
    Media Coordinator
    Advocates for Detained Voices (club)  |  University of Puget Sound
    • Raised over $5,000 to help fund cancer treatment for a detained person
    • Organized events for awareness and charity to support local immigrants
    • Helped run a support stand providing legal resources and humanitarian aid for visitors to the detention center


Prof. James M. Rondinelli
Walter Dill Scott Professor of Materials Science and Engineering  |  Northwestern University  |  Prof. Rondinelli has been my Ph.D. advisor since August 2018.
Dr. Normand A. Modine
Research Scientist in Computational Materials and Data Science  |  Sandia National Laboratories  |  Dr. Modine has been my research internship advisor since August 2022.
Prof. Ram Seshadri
Fred and Linda R. Wudl Professor of Materials Science  |  University of California, Santa Barbara  |  Prof. Seshadri is on my dissertation committee and we collaborated on two interdisciplinary publications.